Below we present the main assumptions that were the basis for the creation of our school. They are the result of many years of living, observing and actively participating in social life, many personal and spiritual development workshops, hundreds of hours of meditation and drawing from the experience of other people
'Community' has two meanings. The first is a group of people who are united by a common goal related to a safe, healthy and happy life, of which NATURE is an indispensable element. The second meaning is a state of connection, a state of closeness, intimacy and extraordinary safety. In our school we recognize and develop both of these meanings
- We recognize the world of our ancestors as parallel to our world, which influences us and we influence it. One of the tasks of the Full Community school is the ability to establish contact with it.
- In the scope of the school program, we reach for the traditions of communities and the achievements of the modern world, we reject nothing. We are aware of the shared responsibility for the evil that is happening in the world. We believe that the world is moving towards communities and by creating a school let's join this trend. We are looking for solutions for communities of the future, which we know will be significantly different from communities of indigenous peoples and from communities of today
- We believe in the impossible, because creating the impossible is the essence of Life. It is therefore the most real thing that exists.
- Every person needs two things (after providing themselves with basic existence - food and shelter). The first is the opportunity to share their gifts and the second is to be appreciated by other people. Both of these values can be satisfied by the community
- Since we have experienced the Spirit of Community, let's consider it to be its essence. Its action fills us with love and trust. The action of the Spirit of Community is conditioned by my submission and trust that no matter what happens, it is happening for my good.
- In the program of the Fullness of Community school, we do not discuss topics related to:- Religion- Politics- Gender
- During classes, we do not fight or accuse anyone