© 2025
Joanna Frankiewicz - For years she has been guiding people through difficult moments in their lives using all the techniques listed below. Passionate about joy, laughter and gentleness.
- Personal Development Trainer
- Empathy-Based Communication Trainers School with accreditation of the Polish Psychological Association (2012-2015),
- Provider TRE® (Trauma Releasing Exercises) in the method of Dr. David Berceli, exercises releasing stress, trauma and repressed emotions (2015-2016),
- EFT Trainer - Classic - Emotional Freedom Techniques
- methods of working with emotional and physical pain, limiting beliefs (2020), Upper Silesian College of Entrepreneurship,
- EFT Trainer - Extended
- Cellular EFT, Matrix Reimprinting - methods of working with trauma, including trauma from the pre-verbal period, generational trauma, as well as in working with relationships, internal blockages, conflicts, purpose and other emotional problems (2021) Upper Silesian College of Entrepreneurship,- Brainspotting - a method of working with trauma according to Dr. David Granda derived from EMDR, which uses the latest achievements in neuroscience in the field of the brain's ability to heal and self-reorganize. (2021) phase.1, 2, 4 - in the process of certification,- Certified Extra-Competence Teacher of Vedic-Art® I and II degree in the Curt Kallman method of increasing the comfort and quality of life by opening to creation in the process of intuitive painting (2019),- Gentle Bioenergetics by Dr. Ewa Reich - basic and advanced module - method of working with primary trauma - theory and practical techniques,(2015, 2016),
We selected the 'TEACHING TEAM' very carefully. In order to meet all the requirements that we described in the ASSUMPTIONS for our school.
All the people who are teachers have extensive experience in working with groups. They all have unfathomable reserves of empathy. And they all want a radical change in the world. A change after which no one will be excluded and everyone will be appreciated. And only communities provide this.
Communities of the future must take into account the wisdom of what was, what we have in our consciousness. The carriers of this wisdom in our group are Francoise, Dorota and Edward.
But it is impossible to build a community of the future without taking into account today's achievements of science and healing practice. And everyone brings this to our school.
The combined achievements of the past and present are the basis for building Communities of the Future.
Leszek Frankiewicz - Facilitator of the community process according to Scott Peck's methodology. Creator of the Fullness of Community project.
Leszek has extensive corporate experience (IBM, Microsoft, Prokom Software. Computerland, BMC Software) which can now be used to create communities and a community building school.
As a person who has managed large groups of people and entire partner channels, he has practical skills in resolving conflicts, motivating people and empathizing with their problems.As a person responsible for sales in several corporations, he has practical skills in sales systems, which will become one of the foundations of future communities.
He is an adept of Zen meditation.
The concept of the Community Building School was created based on the foundations of Ken Wilber's Integral Metatheory, Leszek is an active member of Ken Wilber's Integral Life group.
Joanna Mikołajczyk
Choreotherapist, certified Biodanza IBFed Sistema Rolando Toro Facilitator (Biodanza Schule Berlin-Mitte, Facilitator of building a community according to Scott Peck's method in the training process, enthusiast of traditional African dances and process psychology, translator in German and English.
She worked as a choreotherapist with people with intellectual disabilities and seniors. She believes in the inner good of a person and that in favorable conditions it has a chance to develop. Apart from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, she completed, among others, postgraduate studies in Art Therapy with elements of special education in Warsaw at the Academy of Special Education and M. Grzegorzewski and a two-year conflict resolution course at the International School of Process Psychology named after A. Mindell, Dance and Movement Therapy Course at the DMT Institute in Warsaw and the Dance Improvisation and Body Symbolism Instructor Course in Germany (Institute of Dynamics Dance and Movement by Detlef Kappert, Essen)
Dorota Ostoja Zawadzka is a coach, president of the Pathways foundation, which deals with changing organizations towards greater commitment, personal responsibility and people developmentShe manages the company, conducts training, but above all she is the author of innovative and bold development programs for companies. She conducts individual coaching for senior managers; she works with boards and High Potentials groups. She also conducts training in English. Her clients include: Aon Hewitt, Bank Zachodni WBK, CISCO, Coca-Cola, Danone, DHL, IBM BTO, IKEA RUSSIA, InterIkea, MAN Truck, Netia, Nokia, Orange, PKN Orlen, Siemens, Unilever Polska, Whirlpool and many others.
Since 2015 she has been running the first facilitation school in Poland
She graduated from "The Art&Science of Coaching" run by Wszechnica UJ and Erickson College International. She holds a Work Style Analyser consultant certificate, as well as an LDI certificate issued by Scherer Leadership Center in the USA. In 2013, she completed a Facilitation course led by David Tinker from Great Britain. Since 2016, a member of IAF - International Association of Facilitators.
Additionally, she has participated in numerous public speaking events (Spirit in Business - San Francisco, Zurich; HR Conference in Poland; J. Tischner Higher School of Management, ING Bank "Academy of Skills" conference.) She also completed a study of Social Project Management in Business at the Tischner European University.
Françoise Rambaud is a wonderful teacher of spirituality and personal development, an Awakened Shaman from France, a wonderful Being with a big heart and mind.
She began her shamanic journey 30 years ago in Tibet, where she had the opportunity to work with several Tibetan masters. She developed all her senses through a deep experience of life, in order to fully determine to transcend her deepest illusions. During 15 years of intensive work with shamans in Peru, she received many initiations. For 10 years she ran a Spiritual Center in France, also conducting an individual healing practice there. In her knowledge, she combines shamanism, therapeutic work and quantum physics.
For several years, together with the famous quantum physicist Olivier Masslot (author of Transsurfing Reality), she has been running workshops Become the Creator of Your Reality. For 15 years she has been running numerous seminars and magic circles for women. For the last few years she has also experienced intensive work with various shamans from the Egyptian desert. Currently, she lives permanently in France and from time to time travels to share her experience, knowledge and skills. She leads her shamanic-energetic workshops in France, England and Poland.
Zuzanna Wiśniewska is a Facilitator during the training of Scott Peck's community building method, co-creator of many community projects. From the Warsaw Jazdów Housing Estate, to the prototype of creating your own place in the Jizera Mountains, to working with young people at the Warsaw full-time High School in the Cloud. Professionally, she is passionate about communication and building bridges between people. When she came across Scott Peck's community building method, she knew that this was her path, because there is depth there, which she experienced in individual relationships, and she dreamed that the entire group could experience this depth
Edward Groody is the founder of Community Building International (CBI) and Edward Groody & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in helping organizations transform in ways that value and engage people.
Edward leads Community Building trainings and workshops for business, academic, and religious communities and organizations. He is one of the few individuals to have trained and worked directly with Dr. Scott Peck.
Edward is also the President of Ed Groody & Associates, Inc., an organizational development consulting firm. He and his team of consultants have been helping companies achieve exceptional business results and create community in the workplace since 2001. He has facilitated challenging culture change, team development projects, and change efforts in healthcare, manufacturing, entertainment, and government. He specializes in implementing change in ways that engage and honor people. Prior to founding his consulting firm, Edward served as the Director of Organizational Development for Covenant Health, a large healthcare system in East Tennessee, USA. After the 2020-21 Covid pandemic, he now devotes most of his time to writing and teaching about community building and leading CBI. Edward was part of the founding group that organized and facilitated the first men’s conferences in the 1980s and 1990s with Robert Bly, a renowned poet and founder of the men’s movement. He is a long-time student of the practices of contemplative meditation and mindfulness.