© 2025
The school we are creating is our response to the growing loneliness, fear and depression of today's world. The world in which we live has accepted as one of the most important values the autonomy of the individual, their complete independence from the outside world, self-determination in the name of increasing their potential, reaching higher and further, transcending themselves and dominating nature. The consequences of the system in which we live and the values that we have accepted without much thought are catastrophic. Destroyed and humiliated Nature, stupefied children who from the cradle are deprived of the aspect of creation in a society that imposes on them almost the obligation to be either a programmer or a financier or a stockbroker. And what is missing in this world the most is the lack of interest in the fate of another person. Care for them, which can bring a sense of security, trust and belonging to both parties.
We deeply believe that each of us humans is endowed with inner goodness. Because such is the Nature of Love, Truth or Higher Power, regardless of how we understand it.
In the process of socialization, we lose almost all of these values. Caught in the trap of the System, focused on the goal, achievement, or simply survival, we put too much on our shoulders. We have the feeling that we are alone, that we have to do it ourselves, and if we can't do it, the world will end. Suffering, cursing, complaining and cursing, we push a wheelbarrow of coal alone up Mount Everest.
Like never before, we need to share our baggage, suffering and hardship. Like never before, we need community with another person. For him to bear this burden when I can't cope. We need loving leaders who will be faithful to the vision that we will develop together. Leaders who will enable us to share our gifts - what we can bring to the common work and not take from it.
Our school is to help shape these very features. Shape them in growing up, creating and experiencing together. So that its graduates can carry these values further, create community and communities where they live.
The school of building communities covers all issues related to building a community. It is the Fullness of Community - a community with oneself, a higher power, other people, ancestors and place, nature, society, science and knowledge. A year and a half of classes during a dozen or so workshops allows for experiencing all these aspects of community.
One may ask oneself - why reinvent the wheel? After all, communities were once the dominant way of organizing societies! Yes, they were. But our human consciousness was completely different back then. In order to create the school program, we use the experience, knowledge and wisdom of the Integral Metatheory, created by Ken Wilber. And it says (among other things) that in the times when communities dominated, there were no modernist, postmodernist or integral levels at all. Today, there is simply no way to transfer the community experiences of indigenous peoples or later peoples one to one.
What we are creating at the moment are communities of the future. Such that do not exist anywhere. Such in which everyone can (according to the integral theory) be right and it will not contradict other reasons. It is a journey into the unknown, it is an adventure, it is the creation of a completely new reality, which, we are sure, will be inhabited by our children and grandchildren.
We invite you to a shared adventure, creativity and love!