1. pl
  2. en

© 2025




 Research on communities

 CB Institute


 How to solve conflicts

 Self esteem

 Scott Peck





 Bonds with other humans


 Being alien



The school is intended for two groups of people:Existing intentional community. That is, a group that already knows each other, lives together or intends to live together. It can be a shared house, a shared area where there is or exists an ecovillage or a similar type of community.

Anyone who wants to gain knowledge and experience in creating intentional communities. And either they plan to establish such a community or simply want to promote this method of action in the world



Anyone over 18 years of age and is not mentally ill or undergoing psychiatric treatment can join the school.

The school starts on October 1, 2025 and recruitment is conducted until then. The group size is minimum 15, maximum 20 people.



The cost of the entire school program, described on the PROGRAM subpage, is PLN 24,000 gross. This cost includes:Accommodation with meals at all 14 program workshopsRemuneration of the instructorsCost of any materials needed to conduct the workshopsParticipation in all online classes listed on the program subpageUsing all facilities (e.g. sauna), conference room, summer kitchen, ponds intended for swimmingCost of translating the workshops into Polish in the case when the instructor is a person who does not speak Polish

The cost does not includeTravel to the workshop locationBedding (your own bedding is required, pillows and duvets, blankets are provided)

Payment for the workshops is made in two ways:

100% before the start of the workshops50% before the start, 50% halfway through the school (9 months after the start date)

In both cases, it is necessary to reserve a place by paying PLN 3,000 at the time of making the decision to participate.



The school, whose program is 14 workshops, is a long-term group process. Everyone is equally important in this process - important above all for others. Therefore, absence during some workshops is a significant disruption of the entire process for the entire group. With this in mind, please make a prudent decision about participation. If you are unable to take part in one of the workshops, we will make efforts to postpone the date so that the entire group can meet. Failure to participate in one of the workshops does not change the price of the workshops.



The last workshop is individual development plans and actions. We anticipate individual, but above all group processes of supporting the implementation of these plans. This will take place at monthly (or more often, if necessary) online meetings. A separate issue is marketing, which on our part will support all those actions of participants that are consistent with the idea of ​​communities.



We anticipate two career paths after finishing schoolEveryone who finishes school will receive support from us in copying our program and establishing their own school. It will be a kind of franchise, although the rules for granting it are not known to us at the moment. However, we are very keen on the spread of our program in this form and the promotion of the idea of ​​​​communities in our country. Each participant of the school can start the facilitation process in CBI (Community Building International). CBI is described in more detail on our website in the "Community Building Workshops" tab. People who go through the first workshop in the program (CBST - Community Building Skills) can enter the CBI program immediately. These people will have priority in the facilitation of CBST and CBW workshops, which are organized by us independently of our school and are the second pillar of our activity