Our culture, both Western and Eastern, cannot resolve conflicts. It can multiply them endlessly. However, it cannot cope with the solution at all. And this is both on the social and private level. Existing systems (democratic) and typical solutions (compromise) protect old, ossified beliefs and ways of thinking. Some, such as NVC, are slowly breaking through (fortunately), but the state of society shows that we have a long way to go. Conflict, whether emotional or armed, is a tragedy for both sides. That is why in Full Community, we believe that the greatest work for future generations should be done precisely in the area of conflict resolution skills. Or even better - to prevent them from arising.
In our opinion, Community Building Workshops are the best place for this.
The experience of a deep connection with another (stranger) person shows how illusory the divisions that generate conflicts are. The workshops lead to that place in our collective consciousness where conflict simply does not arise. There may be adisagreement of attitudes, worldviews or beliefs. But there is no conflict. A conflictalways has two possible solutions - either one loses, the other wins or both sides lose. The Community Building Workshops show that both sidescan be winners.
© 2025