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I am driven by the vision of a world in which every person takes their rightful place in life, in respect for themselves, others and the environment. In a sense of fulfillment, joy and peace and seeing themselves as the good that they are and everything around them.

I believe that happiness is a choice, that we have an influence on the level of happiness in our lives. It is not always an easy process, but it is worth choosing it and standing on your side, because the reward is ourselves. Happier, healthier, more trusting in ourselves and life, reaching for what once seemed impossible. We smiling towards a life full of colours and possibilities.

But it is difficult to talk about happiness when you are alone. Community with another person is what makes happiness show itself, that it can fully blossom.

That is why the communities in which I see the future for our children have become the meaning of what I intend to do for the rest of my life. Teach people how to deal with problems that will certainly arise when creating communities.

I have 60 years of experience, a lot of acquired practical skills that I have acquired over the years as a person leading Odyssey of the Mind, various workshops at the Academy of Good Life and being a teacher of Vedic Art.

Every time I attend Community Building Workshops I am amazed by the depth of the process and the intimacy that is born in a short time that is absolutely difficult for me to understand.

I think about all these lonely people, tried by fate, I help them in therapeutic work and I always think that if they were in a real community, then perhaps most of their problems would never have appeared. That is why our Community Building School is so important. So that its graduates carry all the practical knowledge they have acquired into the world, infect others and create a world from which no one will be excluded.




I want to create the School of Building Communities because of my deep conviction that community is a natural way of organizing societies. This method, long forgotten, is gradually coming back into favor.

This can be seen with the naked eye when we look at the number of interest groups on social media or in the 'real world'. The multitude of festivals in Poland, where beautiful things happen that connect us, and the growing number of initiatives to live together - at home or in an eco village are clear evidence of the communal trend.

I also have countless examples of evil that is the result of loneliness and separation from other people, which are a product of the system in which we live. Corpocracy, or democracy dressed up in corporate principles, where solutions for the good of people are mixed with business lobbying and deep-rooted corruption causing the destruction of the planet, the destruction of our health, constant military conflicts, fear, poverty and the death of starving people.

I don't ask myself if it makes sense to do this, because I realize that 20 people educated in a year and a half program won't change anything significant in this world.

I do it because it gives meaning to my life,Serving other people with my experience, supporting them in their confusion and loneliness, helping them create communities that are a panacea for all truly human ailments - both mental and health ones, is the fundamental reason why I founded the School of Building Communities.

Seeing what is possible during community building workshops alone, I know that it is not a pipe dream and that the closeness between us is much closer than anyone thinks.

And I want to share this with people.





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© 2025




 Research on communities

 CB Institute


 How to solve conflicts

 Self esteem

 Scott Peck





 Bonds with other humans


 Being alien
