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© 2025




 Research on communities

 CB Institute


 How to solve conflicts

 Self esteem

 Scott Peck





 Bonds with other humans


 Being alien


The workshop will take place in Beskid Wyspowy, in the Permakulturowy Farm of Joasia and Leszek Frankiewicz Siekierczyn near Limanowa. Some of the sleeping places are in our house, and some in cottages 100m away from us. All meals are served in our house. See the gallery at the end of the page to get a better idea of ​​the standard of the place and rooms..

Community Building Skills Training with Edward 


28-30 March 2025

Place: Siekierczyna 556, permaculture homestead

Hosts: Joanna i Leszek Frankiewicz

Organisation of workshop: Leszek Frankiewicz

Community Building (the method of Scott Peck) offers practical guidelines for, as well the lived experience of coming together as a group to a state of True Community. i.e. the state of safety and deep mutual respect.


This 3-day CBST training is a group experience for people who want to build a culture of collaboration, support and authentic communication in their community, organisation or relationship.


At the same time, this event is also an opportunity to meet and create connections between people who work with communities or want to facilitate community building processes. We invite everyone willing to network to share experiences and support each other in the mission we share!


This training provides skills and guidance for community life in difficult times of all-crisis, pandemic-related loss of social ties and the challenges we face in adapting profoundly to global change.


 The lead facilitator of the training is Edward Groody, founder of Community Building International. Edward is one of the people who worked with Dr. M. Scott Peck, psychiatrist and author of the bestseller “The Road Less Traveled” and originator of the Community Building process.


If you know someone from your community who might be interested in participating, please invite them to this event.


There is a yearning in the heart for peace.


There is a yearning for freedom to be ourselves, to be truly seen in our relationships, partnerships and connections.


How can we as individuals, create an environment of safety, trust and respect, so that we experience joy in our connections to others, effectiveness, inspiration and satisfaction in our collaborations and work?


in a time of social and environmental crisis preserving our humanity?

FACILITATING - Edward Groody with team



The process of community building was developed by Dr M. Scott Peck, in response to polarisation, loneliness and isolation in modern societies. He saw the loss of a sense of authentic community as the basis of social problems and conflict. Peck discovered 10 communication tips that restore a sense of community and create trust and safety within a group. Those who participate in community-building trainings have the opportunity to practice these tips and experience an authentic sense of community. This process is used in many intentional communities.


The purpose of this CBST training is to increase self-awareness and knowledge of key community-building skills, behaviours and ways of being that support connectedness.


The training is especially designed for community and organisational builders, those working with groups and those on a developmental path who wish to:

  * learn the keys to authentic communication, connection and deeper relationships

  * dissolve personal obstacles to authentic communication

  * develop the ability to listen and express themselves more fully

  * navigate conflict situations in communities and relationships

  * get rid of hidden agendas and 'pseudo-community' in groups

  * increase the involvement of individuals in the life of the organisation/community

  * let go of judging others and develop acceptance and build bridges between personal differences in the group

  * in a short period of time experience a connection with people very different from you

  * become more aware of working with trauma in the group

  * experience a sense of being seen and heard

  * develop skills to be a better parent, partner, friend, leader.


The training will consist of substantive content, practical exercises in pairs and groups and the group process of Community Building according to Scott Peck, to experience the transition from PSEUDO-Community (where everyone is nice but relationships are rather shallow) to deep COMMUNITY (where you like fewer people but love more).

Jest założycielem Community Building International (CBI) oraz Edward Groody & Associates, Inc. firmy konsultingowej specjalizującej się w pomaganiu organizacjom zmieniać się w sposób, który honoruje i angażuje ludzi.

Edward Groody

Edward Groody (USA) is the founder of Community Building International (CBI) and Edward Groody & Associates, Inc. a consulting firm specialising in helping organisations change in ways that honour and engage people.


Edward conducts Community Building trainings and workshops for business, academic and religious communities and organisations. He is one of the few people who have been trained, and worked directly with Dr Scott Peck.

Choreotherapist, certified Biodanza IBFed Sistema Rolando Toro Facilitator (Biodanza Schule Berlin-Mitte, Facilitator of building a community according to Scott Peck's method in the training process, enthusiast of traditional African dances and process psychology, translator in German and English.

She worked as a choreotherapist with people with intellectual disabilities and seniors. She believes in the inner good of a person and that in favorable conditions it has a chance to develop. Apart from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, she completed, among others, postgraduate studies in Art Therapy with elements of special education in Warsaw at the Academy of Special Education and M. Grzegorzewski and a two-year conflict resolution course at the International School of Process Psychology named after A. Mindell, Dance and Movement Therapy Course at the DMT Institute in Warsaw and the Dance Improvisation and Body Symbolism Instructor Course in Germany (Institute of Dynamics Dance and Movement by Detlef Kappert, Essen)

Zuzanna Wiśniewska

Terapeutka, trenerka rozwoju osobistego, twórczyni Akademii Dobrego Życia. Obecnie jest w procesie szkolenia na facylitatorkę procesu budowania wspólnoty.

Joanna Mikołajczyk

Projektant permakultury, zdeterminowany do wniesienia do niej jakości związanej z troską o ludzi - drugim i według niego najważniejszym filarem permakultury. Obecnie jest w procesie szkolenia na facylitatora procesu budowania wspólnoty. Jest współtwórcą kwadrant.org.

Leszek Frankiewicz

Facilitator of Scott Peck's community building process, Creator of  Pełnia Wspólnoty project


28-30.03 (3 days)

* Arrival on Thursday 27th evening

* Start of training on Friday at 9:00

* End of training on Sunday at 16:00



1950 zł

The training fee covers facilitators' fees, organisational costs, full board and accommodation at our Permaculture Farm  (Thursday to Sunday).



Polish with translation to english


                        CONTACT PERSON


Leszek Frankiewicz


e-mail: lfrankiew@pelnia-wspolnoty.pl

tel: +48 602 107 543



I consent to the processing of the data provided above by Pełnia Wspólnota, which will be its Administrator. Personal data collected in the form will not be made available to recipients of data within the meaning of the Act of 10.05.2018 on the protection of personal data (Journal of Laws 2018.1000 of 2018.05.24); which means that no entities or third parties will receive them - they are collected solely for purposes related to the organization of events by Pełnia Społeczna. The person whose data is being processed has the right to access the content of their data and the possibility of correcting or deleting it. Please send an e-mail with a request to change or delete the data to the following address: lfrankiew@pelnia-wspolnoty.pl

After submitting your application, we will provide you with information regarding payment and accommodation options. Name, surname, phone number, email and age are REQUIRED fields!

Your e-mail:
Phone number
Are a facilitator already? Do you want to become community building process facilitator?
Is there anything we should know about your health?
What is you occupation, job?
Do you have any questions, remarks?:
Formularz został wysłany — dziękujemy.
Proszę wypełnić wszystkie wymagane pola!

Facilitator during training in Scott Peck's community building method, co-creator of many community projects. From Warsaw's Jazdów Housing Estate, to the prototype of creating one's own place in the Jizera Mountains, to working with young people at the Warsaw full-time High School in the Cloud. Professionally, she is passionate about communication and building bridges between people. When she came across Scott Peck's community building method, she knew that this was her path, because there is depth there, which she experienced in individual relationships, and she dreamed that the entire group could experience this depth.