The community is a response to our loss in the world, to its complete madness, which no one seems to want to accept and hardly anyone knows how to escape from it. Community is a way back to normality, in which kindness, selflessness, and the joy of contact with other people are normal.
As the philosopher said, 'The measure of normality is not good adaptation to an abnormal society.'
Let's get back to NORMALITY, let's build communities...
© 2025
Colloquially, the word 'community' is understood as either a residential or a religious community. However, Wikipedia gives the following definition:
Community - a type of community based on strong, emotional bonds, informal structure, dominant primarily in primordial societies
Our understanding of community is quite similar. However, we replace the word 'primordial' with 'timeless' because, for example, the community of two people called marriage seems to be something that has always existed and will exist.
However, community is primal in a certain way - in the sense that each of us has it within us. We don't have to learn it, we don't have to work hard to discover it in ourselves. Because it is our natural way of creating a healthy society. This is what Scott Peck discovered, according to whose methods and tips we help build communities
To understand what exactly community is, let's start with what it is not.