In relation to the 'phenomenon' titled 'building community', the use of the quadrant in our activities
(Attention! It will look different for everyone!) gives us the following perspectives:
What is the completeness of community?
Authentic community is not a common occurrence in today's world. In the old days, when it was the basic unit of society, it was also far from ideal.
For example, there may be a deep bond in a group, but when there is no set goal, it becomes bland and becomes a mutual admiration society. When, on the other hand, the community has a purpose and bond, but is not properly perceived by the outside world, and this causes its estrangement and alienation. Yet another situation may occur when the bond created can be easily broken due to trauma and lack of 'working through' certain behaviors by some members of the community. This may lead to its disintegration.
Therefore, the question arises: are there any methods, schemes or rules for creating a community to make it lasting?
In our opinion, if common ones are not durable, it is because they focus on one (usually) or two aspects of their creation and operation.
means taking into account in the process of creating a community
all four aspects
These aspects are known as the so-called Wilber's Quadrant (after the creator - Ken Wilber).
According to this concept, the community has four aspects of its functioning and its perception. Ensuring a balance between them is the key to success - achieving community stability, persistence and the ability to adapt to internal and external needs.
These aspects have the following form:
WE internal means community building workshops. It may also mean natural processes that will develop between people in the process of forming a group. The community process is a natural, innate process and can arise spontaneously, and our workshops only stimulate and accelerate it
The external WE is the role that communities play (or can play) in the process of creating social structure. It is easy to imagine a social system based on communities, without a democratic system, which is in fact by definition repressive towards every minority.
The internal ME in the process of creating a community is all my emotions related to seeing another person, my openness to his otherness, my traumas related to my history and my way of healing them in the process of therapy
The external ME means knowledge about the process of building communities. Knowledge that shows that this process always takes place in four phases and is independent of the social, ethnic or geographical group. This quadrant also includes knowledge about how to conduct workshops and the entire facilitation process
And only the combination of all these aspects gives us the opportunity to see all the issues related to building a community. Omitting any of the quadrants means that we are not taking into account some important part of reality.
We will not create a community if we do not develop the internal processes of our group (internal WE)
But we will not create it if we ignore the fact that someone from this group may suffer from their own difficult emotions (internal ME).
We will not build a community if we do not understand how the process of its creation works and what successes and failures others achieve (external ME)
And finally, we will not build a common one if we forget that it functions in the world of law, education systems, communication or simply in Nature (External WE).
The first quarter, 'Self-healing and creation', means some kind of self-work by each member of the community. This is mainly related to inherited and acquired traumas, habits and beliefs that make it significantly difficult for everyone to find their place in the community. EFT, Cellular, Brainspotting and TRE are the basic methods we use. Their common denominator is to 'equip' everyone who uses them with a set of skills for self-healing.
Creation, in turn, is an element that gives everyone energy and joy, which they then bring to the group. In our case, creation is represented by Vedic Art workshops - intuitive painting.
The second quarter - "Inside the community" - is its internal dynamics and its heart. This is where the bond between its members is created, here are the methods of sharing wounds, problems and traumas that build this bond. Here, the group learns how to resolve conflicts in order to always achieve a win/win result.
The third quadrant - 'Methodology and research' - the task of this quadrant is to document the positive impact of communities both on its participants and on the outside world. This is pure, well-documented knowledge that plays an extremely important role in 'objectifying' the phenomenon of communities. The point is that they should not be seen and treated as some ephemeral creation resulting from some trend, fashion or marketing activity, but a well-embedded and deeply justified social phenomenon.
The fourth quarter of the quadrant - means the context in which the community is 'immersed'. In our case, these are two communities.
The first is our marriage, the external context of which is Permaculture, which we perceive as a path to unity with Nature.
The second is a group of facilitators, which we co-create with enthusiasts like us who believe in the transformative 'properties' of man and his inner good. This group is focused around the CBI Institute (Community Building International) - an organization that is the heir of Scott Peck, a man who discovered the process of creating a community and laid the foundations for the methodology of its manifestation in every person.
Let's now take a look at how the creator of this concept - Ken Wilber - understands the quadrant
Four quadrants are four quarters of a circle. Each of them defines a different aspect of viewing reality. But only all of them together form a whole. One of these aspects of seeing the world is dominant for you. Therefore, it is sometimes difficult to understand why others think and act completely differently from us.
These four perspectives on perceiving every phenomenon we deal with from birth were discovered by Ken Wilber. He noted that:
Every thing or phenomenon can exist in two ways - either it is singular or it is plural
Every thing or phenomenon has its own inside and outside.